
A system is linear if it can be defined by linear differential equations. In particulars, if the functions and in its state-space model are linear functions of the state variables and input .


A system is said time-invariant if it can be by differential equations with constant coefficients. In particular, if the functions and in its state space model do not depend on the time explicitly.

Assume that a time-invariant system has zero initial conditions, and zero input generates zero output. If input produces output , then input for all .


A LTI system has the following form of state space model:

where , , , and are constant matrices.

State Machine Interpretation

Linear time-invariant systems can be seen as a state machine where , and and are linear functions of their input. In discrete time, they can be described as a linear difference equation, like

where is at time . LTI systems can be implemented using state to store relevant previous input and output information.

Recurrent Neural Networks are a lot like a non-linear version of LTIs.