Backtracking is a method for combinatorial search problems, which involve finding groupings and assignments of objects that satisfy certain conditions.
In these problems, the search space is in the shape of a tree. The tree that represents all the possible states is called a state-space tree (because it represents all the possible states in the search space). Each node of the state-space tree represents a state we can reach in a combinatorial search (by making a particular combination). Leaf nodes are the solutions to the problem.
Solving combinatorial search problems boils down to DFS on the state-space tree. Since the search space can be quite large, we often have to “prune” the tree, i.e. discard branches and stop further traversals. This is why it’s often called backtracking.
The difference between backtracking and DFS on Tree is that in backtracking, we are not given a tree to traverse but must construct the tree as we go.
Draw the tree to visualize the problem. A small test case that’s big enough to reach at least one solution (leaf node). In this process, think about:
- How do we know if we’ve reached a solution?
- How do we branch (generate possible children)?
Then, our generic backtracking looks like this:
def dfs(start_index, path):
if is_leaf(start_index):
for edge in get_edges(start_index):
dfs(start_index + 1, path)
tracks the current level of the state-space tree we’re inedge
is the choice we make
The main logic we have to fill out are is_leaf()
and get_edges()
, which correspond to the 2 questions above. Sometimes these helper functions can be just one line of code, in which case it wouldn’t be necessary to separate into another function.
Sometimes, we want to keep tracking of additional states that tell us whether a given branch is valid or not, such as for Tree Pruning. This looks like:
ans = []
def dfs(start_index, path, [...additional states]):
if is_leaf(start_index):
ans.append(path[:]) # add a copy of the path to the result
for edge in get_edges(start_index, [...additional states]):
# prune if needed
if not is_valid(edge):
if additional states:
update(...additional states)
dfs(start_index + len(edge), path, [...additional states])
# revert(...additional states) if necessary e.g. permutations
Time & Space Complexity
Time: We visit each node of the state-space tree exactly once so the time complexity of a backtracking algorithm is proportional to the number of nodes in the state-space tree. The number of nodes in a tree can be calculated by multiplying number of children of each node ^ height of the tree
Space: The space complexity of a backtracking algorithm is typically the height of the tree because that’s where the recursive call stack is of maximum height and uses the most memory