Given an integer n, generate all strings with n matching parentheses. “matching” parentheses mean

  • There is equal number of opening and closing parentheses.
  • Each opening parenthesis has matching closing parentheses.

For example, () is a valid string but )( is not a valid string because ) has no matching parenthesis before it and ( has no matching parenthesis after it.


This is a Backtracking problem (keywords: “generate all”). Starting with an empty string, we can add ( or ) and continue to do so until the length reaches 2 * n.

Generated strings are invalid when:

  • There are more than n occurrences (
  • We want to add a ) but there is no matching (

We can prune branches that don’t lead to a valid leaf node.

def generate_parentheses(n: int) -> List[str]:
    def dfs(start_index, path, open_count, close_count, result):
        if start_index == 2*n:
        if open_count < n:
            dfs(start_index + 1, path, open_count + 1, close_count, result)
        if close_count < open_count:
            dfs(start_index + 1, path, open_count, close_count + 1, result)
    ans = []
    dfs(0, [], 0, 0, ans)
    return ans