The curvature of a beam subjected to a bending moment is given by:

where is the radius of curvature and is the second moment of area of the beam cross-section. This is relevant for cases where the beam is under transverse loading.

Beam Examples

Cantilever Beam

For example, a cantilever beam subjected to a concentrated load at the free end would have:

The curvature varies linearly with . At the free end , we have:

At the support , we have:

Overhanging Beam

For an overhanging beam, we can examine the equation .

To analyze, we can draw the bending moment diagram.

  • The curvature is zero where the bending moment is zero. Thus, the curvature is zero at the ends and at point .
  • If the bending moment is positive (), the deformation is concave upwards. If the bending moment is negative (), the deformation is concave down.