The Euclidean transform consists of rotation and translation.


Let’s think about rotation:

  • We have a unit length orthogonal base
  • After a rotation it becomes
  • A vector has coordinates and in the two systems.

Because the vector itself has not changed, we have:

To describe the relationship between the coordinates, both sides of the equation are multiplied by

The matrix on the left becomes an identity matrix, so:

The Rotation Matrix consists of an inner product between the two sets of bases, describing the same vector’s coordinate relationship before and after the rotation.


For a vector , after rotation by and a translation of , we get:

where is the translation vector. Alternatively, if we call the original coordinate system and , then we have:

where means “rotation of vector from system 2 to system 1”.

  • Note that this is read from right to left!

The translation vector corresponds to from system 1’s origin pointing to system 2’s origin. Note that:

as needs to be taken in system 2.