Side project with Skye – been wanting to make something with a hardware component for a while and this seems like a good start.


Should be pretty easy?

  • Raspberry Pi / some other small computer
  • 2 servos for wheels
    • Maybe make it run on treads/diff drive like a tank
  • 3D printed body


Natural Language Instructions

I want the robot to follow simple natural language instructions.

Idea: Have function prototypes for movement and rotation

def move(direction, speed, distance)
	# control motors to move in the same direction 
	# at some speed for some distance
	# need to know motor rotation to distance IRL
def rotate(angle)
	# control motors to move in opposite directions
	# to achieve some angle of turn
	# need to know model rotation to angle IRL

And then, we train a small language model to turn a natural language instruction into a function call like so: Instruction: "Move forward slowly for 5 meters"move(forward, slow, 5) Instruction: "Turn left"rotate(-90)

We can probably get an advanced model like GPT to generate training data for us, but we should only need small model to get what we want.

Peer-to-peer communication

No idea how to do this.