If a beam is loaded with some forces, an internal shear forces and bending moments develop to ensure equilibrium.

  • The shear force is obtained by summing the forces on the isolated system.
    • Sign convention: Positive shear causes a clockwise rotation of the beam – pushes left-facing cross-section upward and a right-facing cross-section downward.

  • The bending moment is the sum of the moments of the forces to the left of the section taken about an axis through the isolated section.
    • Sign convention: Positive bending moment causes compression in the top fibers of the segment (CW on left-facing section, CCW on a right-facing cross-section)

In general, sagging is positive and hogging is negative.

  • When doing equilibrium calculations at the beginning of a beam bending question, use the hand rule.
  • When doing equilibrium calculations for a cut section’s internal moments, use sagging/hogging convention.

Mathematical Foundations

Shear force and bending moment are related by the equation:

Sometimes, bending is caused by a distributed load .

This is called the load intensity with units of force per unit length, and is positive in the positive direction. Differentiating the equation above gives

Normally, this applied distributed load is directed downward and labeled , such that .

If we integrate between two points and , we obtain

which tells us that

Furthermore, we have
