Mohr’s circle provides a graphical description of stress at a single point in a structure; each location on the circle represents the stress state on a specific surface point on the structure.


  • If the shear stress tends to rotate the element clockwise, it’s plotted as positive on Mohr’s circle.
  • If the shear stress tends to rotate the element counterclockwise, it’s plotted as negative.

We saw that principal stress, average stress, and extreme-value shear stresses can be found with plane stress transformation. Specifically, we had:

Mohr’s circle expresses these ideas graphically, with a circle defined by:

The center of the circle is given by:

The radius is given by:

The principal stresses can then be easily obtained with:


  1. Locate the center .
  2. Locate face at .
  3. Locate face at .
  4. Connects to form the circle diameter and draw the circle around it.
  5. Use geometry to compute the principal stresses, extreme-value shear stresses, principle angles, etc.