Taking our 3D stress element, and cutting it with an oblique plane with a normal at some arbitrary angle counter-clockwise from the -axis produces a 2D stress element:

By summing the forces caused by all the stress components to zero, the stresses and are found to be:

These are called the plane-stress transformation equations.

Principal Stresses and Directions

We can maximize by differentiate the expression for above and setting this equal to zero. This gives:

This gives the two principal directions associated with two principal stresses; one is the maximum normal stress, and one is the minimum. The angle between the principal directions is .

These principal stresses can be found with:

At the principal stresses, the shear stress is zero! See Mohr’s Circle for geometric intuition.

Extreme-Value Shear Stresses

Similarly, the shear plane-stress transformation equation can be differentiated and set to zero to find:

This is related to the principal planes by:

This gives us 2 extreme-value shear stresses:

At extreme-value shear stress configurations, the normal stress takes on the value of .