Continuous Time

If we have an impulse response and scaling factor of the form:

If , the system is BIBO unstable. (Can think about this in terms of limits, the limit will go to infinity).

If and the numerator and denominator have no common factors:

  1. The system is internally stable if and only if all poles of are in the LHP (complex plane, ).
  2. The system is only unstable if and only if either or both of the following exists:
    1. At least one pole of is in the RHP ().
    2. There are repeated poles on the imaginary axis.
  3. The system is marginally stable if there are unrepeated poles of on the imaginary axis ()

Discrete Time

  1. Internally stable if and only if all poles of are within the unit circle .
  2. Unstable if and only if one or both of the following exist:
    1. At least one pole outside of the circle
    2. Repeated poles on the unit circle
  3. Marginally stable if there are simple poles on the unit circle and no poles outside of the unit circle.

BIBO Stability for CT and DT

  1. If a system is marginally stable or internally unstable it is BIBO unstable.
  2. An internally stable system is BIBO stable.