Because of the linearity property of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, we can find the response of these systems by breaking the input into several components and then summing the system response to all the components of . We have already used this procedure in time-domain analysis, in which the input is broken into impulsive components.
In the frequency domain, we break up the input into exponentials of the form , where the parameter is the complex frequency of the signal . This method offers an insight into the system behavior complementary to that seen in the time-domain analysis. The tool to represent an arbitrary input in terms of exponential components is the Laplace transform.
For a signal , its Laplace transform is given by:
where is a complex number such that .
For a unilateral signals with for all , we have
The region of convergence is the set of complex numbers that make the integral meaningful.
The signal is said to be the inverse Laplace transform of . It can be shown that:
where is a constant chosen to ensure the convergence of the integral.
In terms of Laplace transforms as a function, these are written as:
Eigenfunction and Transfer Function
Let’s say we want to find the response of an LTI system with impulse response to the input signal . Then, we have:
where . This is just the Laplace transform of !
Since we defined , we just have:
For a given , is constant; output is the input multiplied by a constant.
Since the input appears at the output (passes through the system), we say it is an eigenfunction of the system.
We also have:
so is called the transfer function of the system. (Seen this in MTE 220 Sensor Transfer Function).
Like we said before, is just the Laplace transform of , so we have: