Batteries are electrochemical cells whose voltage are determined by chemistry, , not size (AAA vs. D). There are rechargeable and non-rechargeable ones.

  • Non-Rechargeable (“Primary”):
    • Typical alkaline battery
  • Rechargeable (“Secondary”):
    • Lithium-Ion (LiIon), Lithium Polymer (LiPo), Nickle Metal Hydride (NiMH), Nickle Cadmium (NiCd)
    • Widely varying

A very basic model of a battery is to consider it as a voltage source. However, this is a vast oversimplification as there are lots of factors like internal resistance, aging, etc.

Battery Summary

  • Batteries have very complex behaviour
  • is chemistry dependent (SoC curve too)
  • increases with physical size, proxy for
  • (series)
  • (parallel)
    • E has units of joules () or watt-hours ()
  • State of charge: SoC, like an indicator: 0 = Empty, 1 = full
    • ”Discharge curve” – plot of V vs SoC, depends on chemistry
    • Recharge: , values depends on chemistry