If is real and continuous in the interval from to and and have opposite signs, there is at least one real root between and .

Opposite Sign Checking

We can check opposite signs using .

Bisection Method

Bisection method divides intervals in half.


  1. Choose and such that the function changes signs.
  2. Estimate root by .
  3. Identify position:
    • If and have the same sign, then
    • If and have the same sign, then
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3.


Our function is:

Then we have:

  • In iteration 2, and have the same sign, so iteration 2 takes as its lower bound .
  • In iteration 2, and have the same sign, so iteration 3 takes as its upper bound .


The process above is terminated when a criteria is met, such as relative approximate error for some , where:

As an example, for the second iteration we would have:

We can see that the relative true error, , has an upper bound of:

Along these lines, if we are seeking an absolute error level, , we can actually calculate the number of iterations to reach the desired error level:

Working from this, we can find the iteration at which we will be at a certain desired absolute error level :


  • Robust algorithm – always works
  • Slow convergence compared to other methods
  • Cannot handle multiple roots (need to first graph to find number of roots and approximate locations)