Why do you do what you do? What is the psychological reasoning behind actions in your life?

  • Aristotelian: People do things to maximize happiness (will to happiness)
  • Schopenhauer: People do things for the benefit of survival (will to survival)

Nietzsche’s answer: People do things as a pursuit for the will to power.

Definition of Power

What does Nietzsche mean by power?

  • In general terms, Nietzsche uses “power” to mean becoming who you truly are
  • Self expression / authenticity?
  • Nietzsche specifically views the will to power as overcoming “enslavement”. Here, enslavement being mitigating factors to full self-expression

Nietzsche observes that many seemingly opposite behavior, such as altruistic acts and self-serving acts, all stem from this will to power. (Some interpretations of Nietzsche’s work even extends the will to power to explain how everything in the universe works; every natural phenomenon is an example of a will to power.)

Every individual has their own will to power; my will to power might be directly inhibiting someone else’s will to power. Also, random events happen all the time; no one has total control over the world. Most philosopher’s suggestion is that since you cannot control the external world, the best you can hope to do is to control your internal world — Buddhism, stoicism, etc. By practicing certain techniques (mindfulness, meditation, whatever), you remove yourself of these earthly attachments (Nirvana/enlightenment).

Nietzsche observes the flip side of this; being detached from the world prevents suffering but also prevents joy. Why not try a different strategy — try to become as powerful as you can so that you have maximum control over your circumstances? A hungry bear does not solve its hunger by meditating for 30 years, it solves it by finding food to eat.

Basically, Nietzsche advocates for people to actively fight and work hard to make your life as good as you can; don’t coast. But why do so many people in the world fail to achieve things and exert their power? Nietzsche thinks this is due to fear of failure or laziness; his philosophy is not for these people, but for the small hardworking population trying to exert their will to power by taking calculated risks.

Nietzsche’s Motivational Will to Power

”For believe me! The secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment is: to live dangerously! Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius! Send your ships into uncharted seas! Live at war with your peers and yourselves! Be robbers and conquerors as long as you cannot be rulers and possessors, you seekers of knowledge! Soon the age will be past when you could be content to live hidden in forests like shy deer! At long last the search for knowledge will reach out for its due: — it will want to rule and possess, and you with it!” — The Gay Science

Nietzsche specifically advocates for embracing pain; experiencing pain is simply a part of human reality. Most people run from the pain and suffering, but Nietzsche wants us to ask: “What purpose does that pain serve to us?” Pain and hardship is nothing to run from; it’s a valuable resource to make us better people. Climbing a mountain is hard and painful, but only by getting to the top can you see the most beautiful views. Nietzsche viewed pain and suffering as a privilege, and even wished it upon his friends and family.

Because of his rebuke of true world theories, Nietzsche also sought to maximize the importance of acts during one’s life span; look for eternity in this world. Imagine that you had to relive your life over and over again, wouldn’t you want to make decisions that maximize your precious time?