A Markov decision process is a variation of state machine in which:

  • The transition functions are stochastic, such that it defines a probability distribution over the next state given the previous state and input; each time it’s evaluated, it draws a new state from that distribution.
  • The output is equal to the state (or is the identity function)
  • Some states or state-action pairs are more desirable than others

An MDP can be used to model interaction with an outside “world”, such a single-player game. The idea is that an agent (a robot or a game-player) can model its environment as an MDP and try to choose actions that will drive the process into states that have high scores.


Formally, an MDP is where:

  • Transition model: , where
specifying a conditional probability distribution. Uppercase letters above like $S_{t}$ are random variables.
  • Reward function: , where specifies how desirable it is to be state and take action ; and
  • Discount factor:

A policy is a function that specifies what action to take in each state.

Markov Assumption

The Markov assumption is:

Not all systems can be modeled in this way!
