Suppose and is a basis of and is a basis of .

The matrix of with respect to these bases is the -by- matrix whose entries are defined by

  • If the bases and are not clear from the context, then the notation is used.

The matrix of a linear map depends on the bases of and , as well as on .

To remember how is constructed from , we can write:

  • The basis vectors across the top of the matrix for the domain
  • The basis vectors along the left of the matrix for the space into which maps

  • In the matrix above, only the -th column is shown. Thus, the second index of each displayed entry is .

==This reminds us that can be computed from by multiplying each entry in the -th column by the corresponding from the left column, and then adding up the resulting vectors.== Or, the -th column of consists of the scalars required to write as a combination of :

Clarifying example

For example, if we have :


& \begin{matrix} v_{1} & v_{2} & v_{3} \end{matrix} \[2ex] \begin{matrix} w_{1} \ w_{2} \end{matrix},,,, & \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 0 \ 0 & 3 & 4 \end{bmatrix} \end{align}

Then we can calculate $Tv_{1}$ as $1w_{1}+0w_{2}$ and $Tv_{2}$ as $2w_{1}+3w_{2}$.

If is a linear map from to , then we can generally assume the bases in questions are the standard ones (-th basis vector is in the -th slot and in all other slots). If we think of the elements of as columns of numbers, we can think of the -th column of as applied to the -th standard basis vector.


Example: Matrix of Linear Map from to

Suppose is defined by

We have:

Then, the matrix of with respect to the standard bases is the matrix:

Example: Matrix of Differentiation Map from to :

Suppose is the differentiation map defined by . Because , the matrix of with respect to the standard bases is:

We can see that each column is just differentiation applied to each basis element in .