Rates of change

  • represents the rate of change of the function as we change and hold

  • represents the rate of change of the function as we change and hold

    |375 In the hyperbolic paraboloid above, we can see that if we move along the y-axis, the graph is increasing and if we move along the x-axis the graph is decreasing

Slopes of tangent:

Partial derivatives are the slopes of traces:

  • The partial derivative of is the slope of the trace of for the plane at the point .
  • The partial derivative of is the slope of the trace of for the plane at the point

Getting the equations of tangent line

The point is easy to find by plugging the points into the equation:

The parallel (or tangent) vector is then:

If we differentiate with respect to we will get a tangent vector to traces for the plane (i.e. for fixed ):

For traces with fixed such that :