Multivariable functions.

Graphs of 2-var functions are surfaces in 3D space

  • Ex:

Equation of a plane:

  • Solving for allows us to use function notation  500 would be a 4D surface!

Level Curves

Level curves of a 3D function are 2D curves we get by setting , where is any number. Thus, equations of level curves are .

The intuition for this like slicing a 3D object at a certain height.

  • Contour/level represents the intersection given by surface and For higher dimensions like , it would be a level surface instead of a level curve

A plot of various level curves is called a contour plot.

Example: Cone Level Curves

Identify the level curves of . The function is then: Using instead: Simplifying:


  • Curves that represent the intersection of the surface given and places given by or

Trace Example

Let for and .