Let’s say we need to compute the exact value of for a large .

  • Such problems occur in primality testing for cryptography
  • Issues of numerical precision prevent us from using

The simplest algorithm, where we just do would perform multiplications. We can do better by observing that .

  • If is even, then
  • If is odd, then

In either case, we have halved the size of our exponent, at the cost of 2 multiplications at most. Thus, multiplications suffice to compute the final value.

In Python:

def power(a,n):
	if n == 0:
		return 1
	x = power(a, n // 2) # Floor division
	if n % 2 == 0: # n is even
		return x**2
	else: # n is odd
		return a * x**2

This simple algorithm illustrates an important principle of divide and conquer. When is not a power of two, the problem cannot always be divided perfectly evenly, but a difference of one element between the two sides as shown here cannot cause any serious imbalance.