Why Do These Exist?

  • I’m not actually a big believer in note-taking as a method for learning; I tend to find that application of ideas leads to mastery.
  • My reason for taking these notes is more to track and collect things I’ve learned, and to find connections between concepts.
  • Also, having a public website with my notes serves as a forcing function to make my write more notes and publish more notes, even if no one actually reads them or visits my site.


  • I generally still try to make these notes somewhat high quality to maximize learning, i.e. re-writing things in my words. However, sometimes I get lazy and just copy-paste stuff (for the sake of tracking). Thus, you probably shouldn’t cite me (except Writing) without checking other sources first. I try to list sources as much as possible but tend not to be super diligent or specific about it; generally, I’ll just state a source for whatever topic.


  • For notes, I tend to write from a first-person plural perspective, using “we” in the style of an academic publication. I find that using this voice helps me frame things in a way like I’m trying to teach or persuade, which helps with better understanding.