We use - coordinates, where is the direction along the streamline and is the direction normal to the streamline. Let us consider a small particle of size by .

Note that we assume:

  • Steady flow
  • Inviscid flows
  • Incompressible flows
  • Along a streamline

In the -direction, applying gets us:

Writing give us

Since we are following a streamline, by definition, there is no dependence of ​ on because ​ only changes along :

Then, we can substitute to get:

Cancelling out all the terms gives us

We can write the acceleration as

Note that we can write the derivative of :

So we can write

Substituting back into our main equation gives

Since we assumed incompressibility, is a constant, so we have:

which is the Bernoulli Equation.


Let’s determine the pressure on a bicyclist due to airflow. We analyze two points:

  • At point (1) the air velocity is
  • At point (2) the air velocity is 0 (air comes to rest on cyclist’s body)

Applying Bernoulli’s equation between the two points:

Using , and lets us simplify to

At gage pressure, , we have

We can multiply both sides of the equation by volume to get

which is nice since tells us the total energy due to pressure over a given volume and the right side gives the total kinetic energy.