Voltage and current phasors are related through the impedance of element , based on Ohm’s law, such that:

The impedance is a complex number that can be written as:

where is impedance, is the resistance, and is the reactance, all in

The magnitude of can be found in the following way:

and the phase angle can be found with:

The reactance can be thought of as the imaginary part of , while is the real part.

Understanding resistors, inductors and capacitors in the context of impedance:

  • In a resistor, the voltage and current are in phase.
  • In an inductor and capacitor, there is a 90-degree phase shift between the voltage and current.
    • Inductor – voltage leads current by
    • Capacitor – current leads voltage by

Series and Parallel Impedances

Impedances in series:

Impedances in parallel:

The above can alternatively be written in terms of parallel admittances


The admittance of an element is defined as the inverse of the impedance, or the ratio of current phasor to voltage phasor:

The unit of admittance is siemens .