
Unit impulse refers to a Dirac delta function defined as:

Basically, it has:

  • Infinitesimally small width ()
  • Infinitely large height ()
  • Overall area of unity () Other pulses (rectangular, triangular, Gaussian) can also be used to model impulses.



Provided a signal at time , multiplying it by an impulse results in an impulse located at with amplitude/strength (value of at the location of the impulse).


From the above equation, we also have:

This means that the area under the product of a function with an impulse is equal to the value of that function at the instant at which the unit impulse is located.

Relationship with Unit Step Function

Because the Unit step function is discontinuous at , its derivative does not exist there in the normal sense. But, we actually have:


Textbook explanation:

Not really sure why this is useful but it’s pretty interesting?