Challenges with Simpson’s Rule and Trapezoid Rule methods:

  • Require a large number of terms
  • Increasing the number of terms can lead to round-off error
  • Simpson’s rule requires an even number of intervals


Romberg Integration uses two successive trapezoid rule estimates of the integral to obtain a 3rd accurate value (using Richardson extrapolation). This is achieved by halving the interval (doubling ). This method that the function be sufficiently differentiable over the evaluation interval.

Let us say that an integral is:

where is the approximation and is the error.

Consider two estimates using different step sizes and , then:

Recall that the error associated with trapezoid rule could be approximated as:

where .

Assuming that is constant (not dependent on step size), then the ratio:

This gives:

From (1), (2), (4), we have:

If we use , we have:

The error for this is , such that the as the step size is reduced, the error decreases at a rate proportional to .

You can continue to combine integrals gives a result of:

which would result in .

In general:

Here indicates the accuracy of the integral we are referring to, such that is the more accurate integral and is the less accurate integral. We use to refer to the level of accuracy of the interval estimation; is basically the number of intervals being used for trapezoid rule, so that has and has .