Gauss Quadrature (also known as Gauss-Legendre) employs values positioned between the evaluation/measured points to achieve an improved estimate of the integral. If we can ‘balance’ the positive and negative errors between the straight line approximation and the curve, we can achieve a better estimate of the integral.

Provides exact values of integrals for polynomials up to degree (for n points). For example, 2 data points would be accurate for a polynomial up to degree .

Two-Point Gauss-Legendre Formula

Using the method of undetermined coefficients - the area (integral) can be approximated as:

where and are unknown coefficients, and and are fixed at the endpoints (4 unknowns requires 4 locations).

To develop 4 equations, we assume the 4 unknowns fit the
integrals of:

  1. Constant function ()
  2. Linear function ()
  3. Parabolic function ()
  4. Cubic function ()

Let’s go through these step by step.

Constant function:

Linear function:

Parabolic function:

Cubic function:

These can be solved as:

This yields:

A simple change of variable can be used to translate other limits of integration into this form. This is accomplished by assuming that a new variable is related to the original variable in a linear fashion, as in

The lower limit corresponds to , such that we have:

Similarly, the upper limit , corresponds to , such that:

These can then be solved with:

which results in:

which can in turn be differentiated to find:

Two-point Example

Integrate over the interval with two-point Gauss Quadrature.

We have:





Higher-Order Gauss-Legendre

The general formulation is just:

Three-point Example

Integrate over the interval with 3-point Gauss Quadrature.

Thus, we have: