Most of this is review but the Visual SLAM uses some fancy notation so I took notes.

A point is a basic element in space with no length or volume. Connecting two points forms a vector.

A vector in 3D space can be described by with a set of base :

where are ‘s coordinates.

Inner Product

Also called a dot product.

where refers to the cosine of the angle between vector and . This is used to describe the projection between vectors

Outer Product

Also called a cross product.

The result of this is a vector whose direction is perpendicular to the two vectors, and the length is . The symbol means “is equivalent to”.

The operator is a skew-symmetric symbol, which means writing as a skew-symmetric matrix, where:

The turns the outer product into the multiplication of the matrix and the matrix , which is a linear operation.


Skew-symmetric matrix means that satisfies .