Problem 1

Give an example of a linear map with and .


Then the null space is all vectors of the form , giving . The range is all vectors of the form , which clearly gives . Note that this also fulfills the fundamental theorem of linear maps, since .

Problem 2

Suppose are such that . Prove that .

We have:

As , we have

for any in .

This means that for all . The final operation would be , and since linear maps take 0 to 0, we have .

Problem 3

Suppose is a list of vectors in . Define by

  • (a) What property of corresponds to spanning ?
  • (b) What property of corresponds to being linearly indepedent?

(a) If spans , for all , there must exist scalars such that

which is the definition of the linear transformation . Since every can be written as , we can say that . Thus, is surjective.

(b) If are linearly independent, if we have , we need .

The key here again is to recognize that the is the operation applied by our map . This means that if we apply the map and the result is zero as below:

the only possible case when this happens is when for linear independence. This implies that , and since injectivity implies null space is 0 and vice versa, the map must be injective.

Problem 4

Show that is not a subspace of .

We can show this is not closed under addition with a counterexample. Suppose we have , such that

Then, we have

This means that both and have dimension .

However, note that:

such that

which means that . Thus, , since members of must have null space dimension higher than 2. This means that is not closed under addition, and hence it cannot be a subspace of .

Problem 5

Give an example of such that .

An example would be

as this would give

In both the null space and the range, the first two elements are zero and the last two elements are arbitrary scalars.

Problem 6

Prove that there does not exist such that .

The rank-nullity theorem requires . In this case is , so . If we define , we would need or . Since dimension needs to be a whole number, this is not possible.

Problem 7

Suppose and are finite-dimensional with . Show that is not a subspace of .

Suppose and , with . Let be a basis of and be a basis of .

Define such that

To find the null space of , we consider . Since are linearly independent (as they are part of a basis), the only solution is . This means that for any , meaning that the null space consists of all scalar multiples of , which gives . Similarly, .

Since , these maps are not injective (injectivity implies null space is 0 and vice versa).


Imitating the process above and finding the null space of by finding such that would show us that the only solution is , as we have the terms this time instead of . This means that is injective. Hence, we have found a counterexample showing that set is not closed under addition, and cannot be a subspace of .

Problem 8

Suppose and are finite-dimensional with . Show that is not a subspace of .

Let such that . Then define

Neither or are surjective since both of their ranges are one-dimensional subspaces of .


So has range , making it surjective.

Thus, since closure under addition does not hold, we have shown that this set cannot be a subspace of .

Problem 9

Suppose is injective and is linearly independent in . Prove that is linearly independent in .


where .

By linearity, this implies that .

Since is injective, the equation implies that .

Thus, we’ve shown that the original equation is equivalent to solving . Because is linearly independent, the only solution is . This means the only solution to is also . Thus, is also linearly independent.

Problem 10

Suppose spans and . Show that spans .

  • For every , there exists some such that .
  • As spans , there exists for which .
  • Thus, any can be written as . This means that any is can be expressed as a linear combination of .
  • Therefore, spans .

Problem 11

Suppose that is finite-dimensional and . Prove that there exists a subspace of such that

Problem 12

Suppose is a linear map from to such that

Prove that is surjective.

Problem 13

Problem 14

Problem 15

Problem 16

Problem 17

Problem 18

Problem 19

Problem 20

Problem 21

Problem 22

Problem 23

Problem 24

Problem 25

Problem 26

Problem 27

Problem 28

Problem 29

Problem 30

Problem 31

Problem 32