Problem 1

Prove that for every .

Proof. We wish to show that is the additive inverse of . Thus, we need to show that . We have:

as desired.

Problem 2

Suppose , and . Prove that or .


Case 1: Suppose . By the property of scalar multiplication in a vector space, we have .

Case 2: Suppose . Since , will have a multiplicative inverse such that . Then we have:

Therefore, in the case that , we must have .

Problem 3

Suppose . Explain why there exists a unique such that .

Proof. Suppose that we have . Then we have:

which proves existence. To show uniqueness, suppose that there is some such that . Then

proving uniqueness.

Problem 5

The empty set is not a vector space. The empty set fails to satisfy only one of the requirements listed in the definition of a vector space. Which one?

The empty set fails because it does not have an additive identity; there is no element such that for .

Why does the multiplicative identity not fail? There are technically no counterexamples for which fails, so the property is satisfied vacuously. However, the additive identity requires a specific zero element in the set.

Problem 6

Let and denote two distinct objects, neither of which is in . Define an addition and scalar multiplication on as you could guess from the notation. Specifically, the sum and product of two real numbers is as usual, and for define


With these operations of addition and scalar multiplication, is a vector space over ? Explain.

is not a vector space over . If it were a vector space over , the distributive property would give us:

is a contradiction because and are distinct elements by definition, since the zero vector must be unique.

Problem 7

Suppose is a non-empty set. Let denote the set of functions from to . Define a natural addition and scalar multiplication on , and show that is a vector space with these definitions.

is a vector space over , and is the set of functions from to . This means each element of is a function that assigns each element of to a vector in .


  • Addition: For two functions, , we define their sum for all . Here, is the usual vector addition in .
  • Scalar multiplication: For any scalar , and any function , we define scalar multiplication by for all . Here, is the usual scalar multiplication in .

With the above properties, we can show that is a vector space by verifying the properties of vector spaces:

Commutativity: We have

Therefore, .

Associativity of Addition: We have

Since are elements of , we can use associativity in to have

Therefore, .

Associativity of Multiplication: For all and , we have

We can then use associativity in to get

Therefore, .

Additive Identity: Define a zero function by for all , where is the zero vector in . Then, for any , we have

Therefore .

Additive Inverse: For any , define by for all . Then, we have

Therefore, , showing that is the additive inverse of in .

Multiplicative Identity: For the scalar and any , we have . Therefore, .

Distribute Property 1: For all and , we have

Then, using the distributive property in , we have

Therefore, we have .

Distributive Property 2: For all and , we have

By the distributive property in , we have

Therefore, we have .

Problem 8

Suppose is a real vector space.

  • The complexification of , defined by , equals . An element of is an ordered pair , where , but we write this as .
  • Addition on is defined by

for all .

  • Complex scalar multiplication on is defined by

for all and all .

Prove that with the definitions of addition and scalar multiplication as above, is a complex vector space.

Think of as a subset of by identifying with . The construction of from can then be thought of as generalizing the construction of from .

The complexification of a real vector space is a complex vector space; so, we’re just showing that behaves like as a vector space over .

Thus, this is essentially just showing commutativity, associativity, additive and multiplicative identities, additive inverse, and distributive properties for complex numbers. Much of this is done in LADR Exercises 1A.