How do we find the rate of change of if we allow both and to change simultaneously?

Defining Direction of Change

The problem here is that there are many ways to allow both and to change; for example, one could be changing faster than the other, or one could be increasing while the decreasing. Thus, we need to find a good way to define the changing of and .

Let’s say we want to the rate of change of at a point , where and are both increasing but is changing twice as fast as ; as increases by one unit of measure, increases by two.

If we have a particle sitting at point and the particle will move in the direction given by the changing and ; thus, the particle will direction of movement can be defined as a vector:

However, this is not specific enough as there are many dependent vectors that point in the same direction. Thus, we should insist that the unit vector should be used:

Alternatively, we can give the direction of changing and as an angle. In this case, the unit vector can be defined in as:

Finding Rate of Change

Definition: Directional Derivative

The rate of change of can in the direction of unit vector is called the directional derivative and is:

This is very similar to partial derivatives, but can be difficult to compute in practice, so it’s useful to derive an equivalent formula for taking directional derivatives, where is the direction:

This also expands to more than 2 variables. For example, the directional derivative of in the direction of unit vector is given by:

There is also another form that is a little nicer and more compact; it’s also much more general and encompasses the above forms. We can rewrite the above formula as:

As such, we can write the directional derivative as a dot product and notice that the second vector is nothing more than the unit vector that gives the direction of change.

We can also write this in terms of gradient vectors:

The above definitions are for functions of 3 variables, but of course this extends to any number of variables

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As such, we can say that the directional derivative can be given by

This is more general, as we don’t need to show the variable and use this formula for any number of variables. Alternatively, we can use the notation:

where .