Open addressing is a method for hash collision resolution. It uses a simple array of elements (not buckets).

Here’s how it works:

  • Each cell in the array is initialized to null.
  • On each insertion, we check if the desired cell is empty.
    • If it’s empty, we insert the item there.
    • If not empty, we find some other place to put the item.

The simplest possibility is to do sequential probing, where we just insert the item into the next open cell in the table. If the table isn’t too full, contiguous runs of non-empty cells should be fairly short, so this location should only be a few cells away form its intended position.

Searching for a given key now involves:

  • Going to the appropriate hash value and check to see if the item there is the one we want.
    • If so, return it.
    • Otherwise we must keep checking through the length of the run.

Deletion in an open addressing scheme can get ugly, since removing one element might break a chain of insertions, making some elements inaccessible. We have to reinsert all the items in the run that follows the new hole.


  • Open addressing costs to initialize an -element hash table with null elements prior to the first insertion, where is the number of buckets.
  • Traversal takes time, since all we have to do is to inspect each slot to see whether it’s occupied or empty. The number of actual elements does not change the number of slots we need to examine.
    • Since each slot can only hold one element and no more, the number of elements that can be stored in the hash table is at most (the total number of slots). When the table is full (i.e., ), every slot is occupied.