Recall that any smooth function can be approximated by a Taylor series polynomial:

Forward Difference

We can use the same concept as Newton’s Divided-Difference with the Taylor series. For example, the forward Taylor series expansion can be written as:

which can be solved for:

Since is very small (), we can neglect the higher order terms. The error is then:

making this a first-order approximation of order .

Backward Difference

We can instead use a Taylor series for term:

Solving gives

where the error is and is referred to as the first backward difference.

Centered Difference

Here, we use two Taylor Series for the and terms:

If we subtract, we have:

Solving for the first derivative:


This is a second order method! Less error!


Often useful for experimental data

  • Fit a polynomial to the data (piecewise), and take the derivative.
  • Fit a spline and take the derivative of the spline