Normal Vectors to 2D curves

Consider some curve parametrized by its length :

We know that the Unit Tangent Vector to this curve at is:

The unit normal vector to the curve at can then simply be found by swapping the vector components and negating one of them:

All other normal vectors to the curve are scalar multiples of .

Normal Vectors to 3D curves

For a 3D curve parametrized by its length :

We already know how to compute the unit tangent vector, , which satisfies:

Differentiating with respect to gives:

If and are non-zero, then is orthogonal to and can be used as a normal vector: Unit normal vector:

This is also called the principal normal vector to . Unlike the 2D case, there are normal vectors at that are not a scalar multiple of .

What if is not parametrized by but by some other ?

An application to yields this

  • Note: is non-negative since both and increase along the direction of

We hence define a unit normal vector by: