We can use quaternions, Euler Angles, and rotation matrices in Eigen to demonstrate how they are transformed. We will also provide a visualization program to help the reader understand the relationship between these transformations.
The Eigen/Geometry module provides a variety of rotation and translation representations, such as a 3D rotation matrix directly using Matrix3d
or Matrix3f
using namespace Eigen;
Matrix3d rotation_matrix = Matrix3d::Identity();
The rotation vector uses AngleAxis, the underlying layer is not directly Matrix, but the operation can be treated as a matrix (because the operator is overloaded).
AngleAxisd rotation_vector(M_PI / 4, Vector3d(0, 0, 1)); // Rotate 45 degrees along the Z axis
cout << "rotation matrix = \n " << rotation_vector.matrix() << endl; // convert to matrix with matrix()
Rotation matrices can be assigned directly:
// can also be assigned directly
rotation_matrix = rotation_vector.toRotationMatrix();
Coordinate transformation with AngleAxis
Vector3d v(1, 0, 0);
Vector3d v_rotated = rotation_vector * v;
cout << "(1,0,0) after rotation (by angle axis) = " << v_rotated.transpose() << endl;
Coordinate transformation using a rotation matrix
// Or use a rotation matrix
v_rotated = rotation_matrix * v;
cout << "(1,0,0) after rotation (by matrix) = " << v_rotated.transpose() << endl;
You can convert the rotation matrix directly into Euler angles
Vector3d euler_angles = rotation_matrix.eulerAngles(2, 1, 0); // ZYX order, ie roll pitch yaw order
cout << "yaw pitch roll = " << euler_angles.transpose() << endl;
Euclidean transformation matrix using Eigen::Isometry
Isometry3d T = Isometry3d::Identity(); // Although called 3d, it is essentially a 4*4 matrix
T.rotate(rotation_vector); // Rotate according to rotation_vector
T.pretranslate(Vector3d(1, 3, 4)); // Set the translation vector to (1,3,4)
cout << "Transform matrix = \n" << T.matrix() << endl;
Using the transformation matrix for coordinate transformation:
Vector3d v_transformed = T * v; // Equivalent to R*v+t
cout << "v tranformed = " << v_transformed.transpose() << endl;
For affine and projective transformations, use Eigen::Affine3d
and Eigen::Projective3d
You can assign AngleAxis directly to quaternions, and vice versa Quaterniond q = Quaterniond(rotation_vector);
Quaterniond q = Quaterniond(rotation_vector);
cout << "quaternion from rotation vector = " << q.coeffs().transpose() << endl;
Note that the order of coefficients is (x, y, z, w), w
is the real part, the first three are the imaginary part. We can also assign a rotation matrix to it
q = Quaterniond(rotation_matrix);
cout << "quaternion from rotation matrix = " << q.coeffs().transpose() << endl;
// Rotate a vector with a quaternion and use overloaded multiplication
V_rotated = q * v; // Note that the math is qvq^{-1}
cout << "(1,0,0) after rotation = " << v_rotated.transpose() << endl;
// expressed by regular vector multiplication, it should be calculated as follows
cout << "should be equal to " << (q * Quaterniond(0, 1, 0, 0) * q.inverse()).coeffs().transpose() << endl;
- Rotation matrix :
- Rotation vector :
- Euler angle :
- Quaternion :
- Euclidean transformation matrix :
- Affine transform :
- Perspective transformation :
Coordinate Transform Example
Robot 1 and Robot 2 are located in the world coordinate system.
- World coordinate:
- Robot coordinate systems:
The pose of Robot 1 is:
The pose of Robot 2 is:
Here, and express , where , which are the robot transform matrices. Now, assume that Robot 1 sees a point in its own coordinate system with coordinates of . We want to find the coordinates of the vector in the robot 2’s coordinate system.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
int main(int argc, char∗∗ argv) {
Quaterniond q1(0.35, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1), q2(−0.5, 0.4, −0.1, 0.2);
Vector3d t1(0.3, 0.1, 0.1), t2(−0.1, 0.5, 0.3);
Vector3d p1(0.5, 0, 0.2);
Isometry3d T1w(q1), T2w(q2);
T1w.pretranslate (t1);
T2w.pretranslate (t2);
Vector3d p2 = T2w ∗ T1w.inverse() ∗ p1;
cout << endl << p2.transpose() << endl;
return 0;
The above calculates:
which produces the answer