Assignment 1

Question 3


Prove expectation is linear: .

Start with the definition of expected value. For a discrete random variable:

where runs over all possible values of , and is the probability that takes on the value . Using this definition, we have:

Distributing the sum over the addition inside the parentheses:

Factor out and :

The inner sums and are just the marginal probabilities and respectively, so we can re-write the above us:


Prove variance is: .

Variance is defined as:

Note that the mean, , is a constant equal to the expected value . Thus, we can separate the above:

The expectation of a constant is just the constant itself, so .

Once again, , so:


Derive the mean and variance of .



is just the variance of , . Therefore:


Show is symmetric, where , such that .


To show that is symmetric, we need to show that . Based on the above, we have:

The transpose of a product of matrices is the product of their transposes in reverse order:

Since is a diagonal matrix, so . Also, the transpose of the transpose of a matrix is the matrix itself, so . So the above the expression simplifies to:

This is the same as , since . Thus:

proving that is symmetric.