Consider a two-variable function . Since both of the 1st-order partial derivatives are also functions of and we could in turn differentiate each with respect to or . Therefore, in the case of a function of two variables there will be a total of 4 possible 2nd-order derivatives:

  • The 2nd and 3rd one are often called mixed partial derivatives since we are taking derivatives with respect to more than 1 variable

2nd-order Partial Derivative Example

Find all the second order derivatives for

We’ll first need the first order derivatives:

\begin{align} f_{x}(x,y) &= - 2\sin(2x) - 2xe^5y \ f_{y}(x,y) &= -5x^{2}e^{5y} + 6y \ \end{align}

The 2nd-order derivatives are then:

Clairaut’s Theorem

When functions are “nice enough” they will have .

Clairaut's Theorem

Suppose that is defined on a disk that contains the point . If the functions and are continuous on this disk then,

This applies to most functions where the two mixed 2nd-order derivatives are continuous then they will be equal.

This also works for higher orders: And also for more variables:

Higher Orders

For example, third order: