Given a string and a list of words, determine if the string can be constructed from concatenating words from the list of words. A word can be used multiple times.

Input: s = "leetcode", wordDict = ["leet","code"]
Output: true
Explanation:** Return true because "leetcode" can be segmented as "leet code".


Backtracking Aggregation

We can try every word in the dictionary and see if the dictionary word is a prefix of the target word. For example, assuming the dictionary contains ["a", "b", "algo"], "a" and “algo" are both prefixes of "algomonster”, but "b" is not. If the dictionary word is a prefix then we can consider the prefix matched and continue to try to match the remaining part of the target word. We can draw the state-space tree by using every dictionary word as an edge at every level.

  • is_leaf: This occurs when start_index == len(words); then we have matched every letter and word break is a success
  • get_edges: We can use startIndex to record the next letter in the target we have matched so far. We try this for each word in the dictionary
    • target[:startIndex] is matched
    • target[startIndex:] is to be matched.
  • initial_value: We start with False because we haven’t broken the target word yet.
  • aggregate: We use logical OR to update ans to True if return value from the child recursive call is True.
  • additional_states: There are no additional states.
def word_break(target, words):
    def dfs(start_index):
        if start_index == len(target):
            return True
        ans = False
        for word in words:
            if target[start_index:].startswith(word):
                ans = ans or dfs(start_index + len(word))
        return ans
    return dfs(0)

The solution above works but has bad time complexity. Let n represent the length of the target  string, and let m represent the number of words in the words list.

In the worst case scenario, you would require all m words to make the target string. In addition, in the worst possible case, you would need to use n words to make the target string, which happens when all the words we use have a length of 1. Since we have m choices for each word, we get an upper bound time complexity of O(m^n). In practice however, it will much faster than O(m^n), but still really inefficient.


The above solution works but will time out if there are a lot of branches. We can use Memoization to cache the branches we have already seen.

def word_break(target, words) -> bool:
    memo = {}
    def dfs(start_index):
        if start_index == len(target):
            return True
        if start_index in memo:
            return memo[start_index]
        ans = False
        for word in words:
            if target[start_index:].startswith(word):
                if dfs(start_index + len(word)):
                    ans = True
        memo[start_index] = ans
        return ans
    return dfs(0)

Time complexity:

  • The size of the memo array is O(n) where n is the length of the target word.
  • For each state in the memo array, we have to try every dictionary word to see if it’s a prefix of the target word at the current position.
  • Assuming the size of the dictionary is m, string matching takes O(n), so the overall time complexity is O(n^2 * m);